Corporate Reporting: Fitting it all together

The Integrated Reporting Committee of South Africa held its IRC Annual Conference 2023 on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 from 09:00 – 15:20 CAT at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and on international webcast. The speakers shared the latest developments on sustainability reporting and integrated reporting, as well as panel discussions on applying the global baseline and layering sustainability disclosures, and using the integrated report to fit everything together.


To view a webcast of the conference, please click here.

Speaker profiles

To access the speaker profiles, please click here.

Conference programme and speaker presentations
(The presentations of the speakers are available for download by clicking on the blue links.)

9:00 – 9:05  Welcome from the IRC
 Leigh Roberts
– CEO of the IRC
9:05 – 9:10  Welcome from the JSE 
 Loshni Naidoo
Chief Sustainability Officer, JSE 
9:10 – 09:30  Governance and the board’s duty of care
 Professor Mervyn King
Chair, IRC 
9:30 9:50   Latest from the IFRS Foundation and interoperability among international standards 
 Professor Suresh Kana – Deputy-chair, IRC and Trustee, IFRS Foundation  
9:50 10:35   Update from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) 
 Dr Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien – Member, ISSB
10:3511:00   Tea break 
11:00 11:30    Update from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 
 Peter Paul van de Wijs – Chief Policy Officer, GRI
11:3012:30   Panel discussion: The global baseline and layering of sustainability disclosures 
 Johan Thyse – VP Sustainability & Reporting, Sasol
 Ronell Govender – Global ESG and Sustainability, Naspers
 Stephen Bullock – Head of Sustainability, Anglo American Platinum
Host: Jayne Mammatt – IRC Working Group and Partner, Deloitte  
12:301:15   Lunch 
1:15 1:45   Integrated reporting: Latest international perspective 
 Jonathan Labrey – Chief Connectivity and Integrated Reporting Officer, IFRS Foundation
1:452:45    Panel discussion: Fitting it all together using the integrated report 
 Anelisa Keke – Chief Sustainability Officer, Redefine Properties
 Bruce Thomas – Finance Executive: Reporting, Nedbank
 Nadia Schoeman – Principal Integrated and External Reporting, Kumba Iron Ore
 Zanele Salman – IRC Working Group and Group Head Investor Relations, AECI  
 Host: Leigh Roberts
2:45 3:15    Panel discussion: Sustainability assurance and how to prepare 
 Fikile Zwane – Director Sustainability Assurance, SNG Grant Thornton
 Oswald Wentworth – Partner, PwC
 Shaheed Osman – IRC Working Group and Partner, KPMG Southern Africa 
 Host: Professor Yvette Lange – IRC Working Group and Professor, School of Accountancy, Wits University     
3:15 3:20   Thanks and closing remarks 
 Leigh Roberts  



Previous conferences

The IRC has hosted Annual Conferences since 2013.

To access the presentations and webcasts from the 2022 IRC conference, click below: